(一)編號 A/L.630(1971年9月25日)「恢復中華人民共和國席位提案」:
(二)編號 A/L.632(1971年9月29日)「重要問題提案」:
(三)編號 A/L.633(1971月9月29日)「兩個中國代表權提案」:
(四)編號 A/L.637(1971年10月18日)「一中一台及台灣人民自決提案」(針對A/L.630的修正案):
(五)編號 A/L.638(1971年10月25日)「台灣島人民自決及兩岸邦聯或聯邦提案」:
(六)編號 A/L.641(1971年10月25日)「延至下一屆大會再審議提案」:
由突尼西亞提出。內容是「要求大會將 A/L.630『恢復中華人民共和國席位提案』延至下一屆(第 27 屆)聯合國大會再審議。」
聯合國大會在表決編號 A/L.630「恢復中華人民共和國席位提案」之前,先表決了編號 A/L.638「台灣島人民自決及兩岸邦聯或聯邦提案」、編號 A/L.632「重要問題提案」、編號 A/L.637「一中一台及台灣自決提案」(針對A/L.630的修正案)、美國等國的臨時動議「複雜雙重代表權提案」等案,結果全數被否決及撤案。
(一)聯合國大會針對沙烏地阿拉伯提出的編號 A/L.638「台灣島人民自決及兩岸邦聯或聯邦提案」並要求延後一日表決案進行表決,結果以56票反對、53票贊成、19票棄權,全案被否決。
(二)聯合國大會針對美國等國提出的編號 A/L.632「重要問題提案」進行表決,結果以59票反對、55票贊成、15票棄權,全案被否決。
(三)聯合國大會針對沙烏地阿拉伯等國提出的編號 A/L.637「一中一台及台灣自決提案」(針對A/L.630的修正案)進行分段表決,結果第一段修正案以60票反對、2票贊成、66票棄權,第一段修正案被否決;第二段修正案以62票反對、2票贊成、64票棄權,第二段修正案被否決;之後,沙烏地阿拉伯撤回第三段修正案及第四段修正案(未表決)。
(四)此時,美國等國提出臨時動議,將編號 A/L.630「恢復中華人民共和國席位提案」分拆表決,把該提案中「並立即把蔣介石的代表從它在聯合國組織及其所屬一切機構中所非法佔據的席位上驅逐出去」等文字進行另案表決,擬促成「複雜雙重代表權提案」,結果以61票反對、51票贊成、16票棄權,美國等國臨時動議被否決。
(五)隨後,聯合國大會針對阿爾巴尼亞、阿爾及利亞等國提出的編號 A/L.630「恢復中華人民共和國席位提案」進行表決,結果以76票贊成、35票反對、17票棄權,全案通過,恢復中華人民共和國在聯合國席次(此即聯合國2758號決議)。
(六)原本美國等國提出的編號 A/L.633「兩個中國代表權提案」,因聯合國大會已先通過「恢復中華人民共和國席位提案」,美國等國隨後向聯合國大會撤回提案(未表決)。
(七)原本突尼西亞提出的編號 A/L.641「延至下一屆大會再審議提案」,因聯合國大會已先通過「恢復中華人民共和國席位提案」,突尼西亞隨後向聯合國大會撤回提案(未表決)。
The General Assembly,
Recalling the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Considering that the restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China is essential both for the protection of the Charter of the United Nations and for the cause that the United Nations must serve under the Charter,
Recognizing that the representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations and that the People’s Republic of China is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council,
Decides to restore all its rights to the People’s Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-Shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations affiliated to it.
The General Assembly,
Recalling the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations,
Decides that any proposal in the General Assembly which would result in depriving the Republic of China of representation in the United Nations is an important question under Article 18 of the Charter.
The General Assembly,
Noting that since the founding of the United Nations fundamental changes have occurred in China, Having regard for the existing factual situation, Noting that the Republic of China has been continuously represented as a Member of the United Nations since 1945, Believing that the People’s Republic of China should be represented in the United Nations, Recalling that Article 1, paragraph 4, of the Charter of the United Nations establishes the United Nations as a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations, Believing that an equitable resolution of this problem should be sought in the light of the above-mentioned considerations and without prejudice to the eventual settlement of the conflicting claims involved,
1. Hereby affirms the right of representation of the People’s Republic of China and recommends that it be seated as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council;
2. Affirms the continued right of representation of the Republic of China;
3. Recommends that all United Nations bodies and the specialized agencies take into account the provisions of this resolution in deciding the question of Chinese representation.
1. 特此確認中華人民共和國的代表權,並建議其擔任安理會五個常任理事國之一;
2. 確認中華民國繼續擁有代表權;
3. 建議聯合國所有機構和專門機構在決定中國代表權問題時考慮本決議的規定。
1. Considering that the restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China is essential for the observance of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and for the role that the Charter should play in harmonizing the international policies of Member States,
2. Recognizing that the representatives of the Government of the People’s Republic of China are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations and, that the People’s Republic of China should assume its seat as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council,
3. Decides to restore all the rights to which the People’s Republic of China is entitled at the United Nations and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the sole legitimate representatives of the whole territory over which the People’s Republic of China exercises full authority and to notify the representatives of the Republic of China that they represent only the people of the country over which their Government rules both de jure and de facto and that, as such, that Government may retain its seat at the United Nations, taking into account that no people should be denied the right of self-determination.
4. Recommends that the People’s Republic of China should also occupy its seat in all the organizations related to the United Nations.
1. 考慮到恢復中華人民共和國的合法權利對於遵守《聯合國憲章》的宗旨和原則,以及《聯合國憲章》在協調會員國國際政策方面發揮的作用至關重要,
2. 承認中華人民共和國政府的代表是中國在聯合國的唯一合法代表,並且中華人民共和國應擔任安全理事會五個常任理事國之一,
3. 決定恢復中華人民共和國在聯合國享有的一切權利,承認其政府代表為中華人民共和國行使全部管轄權的整個領土的唯一合法代表,並通知中華民國代表:只代表其政府在法律上和事實上統治的國家的人民,因此,中華民國政府可以保留在聯合國的席位,同時考慮到不應剝奪任何人民的自決權利。
4. 建議中華人民共和國在所有聯合國相關的組織中,都佔有一席之地。
The General Assembly,
Recalling that one of the principal purposes of tre Charter of the United Nations is to develep friendly relations among nations based on the respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,
Recalling also that, after exhaustive debates and long deliberations in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee of the General Assembly, the Principle of self-determination was elaborated into a well-defined inalienable right without which no fundamental human right may be fully enjoyed,
Noting that the right of peoples and nations to selr-determination constitutes the first article in each of the two United Nations International Govenants on Human Rights,
Recognizing that a people as such need not be determined solely on the basis of speaking the same language or sharing a common culture and common customs or traditions, but essentially by an economic and socio-political system which has evolved from the community of interests of the people’s diverse components,
Affirming that sovereignty ultimately resides in the people, irrespective of the political syste or ideology its government deemed fit to adopt,
Affirming further that no single State, however powerful, Member or non-Member of the United Nations, nor any coalition of Member States, has the right under the Charter to divest any people of its own right to self-determination,
Considering that the Republic of China, i.e. the people of the Island of Taiwan, is economically viable, as is evident from its exports which total approximately 4 thousand million annually, and is also evident from its enjoying one of the highest per capita incomes in Asia,
Considering that any decision which disposes of the right of a people to self-determination against its will would lead to suppression and conflict, whilst one of the prime purposes of the United Nations, inter alia, to maintain international peace and take effective collective measures for the preservation of peace and removal of threats to peace,
Mindful that the two substantive draft resolutions, which are contained in dncument A/L.630 and A/L.633, clearly stipulate that the People’s Republic of China should assume its rightful place in the United Nations and be seated as one of the five permanent members of the Security Council, and that it should also be represented in all the orgaoizations related to the United Nations,
1. Decides, as a just, equitable and practical compromise, that the People’s Republic of China should assume its rightful place in the United Nations as indicated above in the last preambular paragraph, and that, at the same time, the Republic of China, i.e. the people of the Island of Taiwan, should retain its seat in the United Nations, and in all the organizations related to it, unttl the people of the Republic of China, i.e. the people of the Island of Taiwan, are enabled by a referendum or a plebiocite under the suspices of the United Nations to declare themselves on the following options:
a) Continued independence as a sovereign State with a neutralstatus defined by a treaty recorded by the United Nations;
b) Confederation with the People’s Republic of China, the terms of which shall be negotiated by the two parties concerned;
c) Federation with the People’s Republic of China, subject to protocols negotiated by both parties;
2.Appeals to the magnanimity of both the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China, i.e. the people of the island of Taiwan, to consider the options enumerated in paragraph 1 above as a basis for, if not a final solution to, a political dispute among Asian brothers.
1. 決定,作為一個合理、公允而切合實際的妥協辦法,中華人民共和國應如以上序言部分最後一段所示,在聯合國內取得其合法地位,同時,中華民國,亦即台灣的人民,應保留其在聯合國及所有與其有關組織內的席位,直至中華民國人民,亦即台灣島的人民,能在聯合國主持下,就下列各項選擇舉行複決投票或公民投票,表示自己的意願:
(a) 作為一個主權國家繼續獨立,保持中立地位,而該中立地位應有一項由聯合國備案的條約加以確定;
(b) 與中華人民共和國組成一個邦聯,其條件應由當亊雙方商定之;
(c) 依照當事雙方所商定的議定書與中華人民共和國組成聯邦;
2. 籲請中華人民共和國及中華民國,亦即台灣島的人民,雙方寬大為懷,把上述笫一段所列各項選擇,若非作為最後解決辦法,亦應視為解決亞洲同胞間政治爭端的基礎,而予以考慮。
The General Assembly,
Having considered the item entitled “Restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations”,
Noting that no decision has been adopted on the subject,
1. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its twenty-seventh session an item entitled “Restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations”;
2. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council, to make inquiries of the parties Concerned, either directly or through an ad hoc mission, with a view to seeking a solution to the problem of the representation of China in the United Nations and to submit, at the twenty-seventh session of the General Assembly, a report on the subject.
1. 決定,將題為「恢復中華人民共和國在聯合國的合法權利」的項目列入大會第二十七屆會議臨時議程;
2. 請求,秘書長與大會主席和安全理事會主席協商,直接或透過特派代表團向有關各方進行詢問,以尋求問題的解決辦法,並就中國在聯合國的代表權問題向大會第二十七屆會議提交報告。